Thursday, October 20, 2011

check, check and check.

fall break could not have been more of a success. 

friday night was spent making a dessert we found, and it turned out beyond perfect. who knew it could actually turn out looking like the picture?!

saturday morning was slow and peaceful. beautiful, i tell you. stephanie and i spent our morning with coffee and [the best] french toast i have ever had and a sweet little bakery in town. then we mountain biked through our afternoon and were surrounded by a beautiful backdrop of fall colored leaves. after, the lake looked so perfect and jump-in-able that we couldn't resist. in we went, clothes and all. all i can say is brrrrr.
we then got ready, and were off to greenville. there, we met up with a friend and went thrifting. not just any thrifting, but thrifting where you could get however many pounds [yes POUNDS] of clothing for a dollar a pound. that, my friends, is perfection. oh the treasures of thrifting. 
fall for greenville filled our evening with delightful food, bands, lights, and fun. on the side, i successfully turned a flannel in to a skirt. yes please.

it was back to our apartment where we built a fort, complete with lights, pillows, and blankets and watched tangled. all i have to say is, scoot on over cinderella and bell, repunzel is the real deal. gosh, what a great movie. well done disney, well done.
then it was time to welcome home our tigers. AT FOUR AM. 7-0 is lovely.

sunday was filled with church, naps, outdoors, and friends. such a needed day of rest. 
monday morning we woke up, and headed off to asheville. we explored, shopped, people watched, and enjoyed the beautiful weather. 

the tuesday morning we woke up, ate breakfast and took a drive down the blue ridge parkway where we hiked two mountains for a breath taking view of God's window. it was prime fall, prime leaves, and perfect weather. we had to refrain from stopping at everryyy singllleee "overlook", but my oh my it was beautiful. 

and finally, we met this sweet old man who told us of an apple orchid. after an hour of searching, we found this gem of a place. we picked baby apples, had a dog show us around, and drank homemade apple cider, and ate fried apple pies and fudge. 
hands down the perfect break filled with beauty, rest, adventure, and happiness.
needless to say, we checked off almost everything off our list. 

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